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The Procrastination Decision Tree

We all suffer from procrastination from time to time. We know that we should be doing something and yet we put it off and occupy our time with something easier, more enjoyable and probably not as important.

In training, we use our Procrastination Decision Tree to help people understand the cause of their procrastination and know how they can tackle it.

Complete your details to download your copy and overcome your procrastination today!

- Questions will root out the importance of this task to you

- Discover why you are procrastinating - skill, motivation or time issue?

- 10 possible solutions to overcoming your procrastination

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The Procrastination Decision Tree

We all suffer from procrastination from time to time. We know that we should be doing something and yet we put it off and occupy our time with something easier, more enjoyable and probably not as important.

In training, we use our Procrastination Decision Tree to help people understand the cause of their procrastination and know how they can tackle it.

Complete your details to download your copy and overcome your procrastination today!

- Questions will root out the importance of this task to you

- Discover why you are procrastinating - skill, motivation or time issue?

- 10 possible solutions to overcoming your procrastination

Copyrights © All Rights Reserved by FH Insights